AnimalsFlora and FaunaMammalsVertebrates

Spalax leucodon – Lesser mole-rat

A lesser mole-rat is a mammal (Rodentia) from the family Spalacidae. The species is widespread in Macedonia, Serbia, Montenegro, Greece, Bosnia, Romania, Turkey, Ukraine. In the Galicica National Park, the lesser mole-rat is widespread in natural and semi-natural grassland ecosystems as well as in arable land. It has strongly developed front legs and claws that dig deep tunnels reaching up to 3 meters.

It feeds on underground herbs, and its favorite foods are garlic, potatoes and other bulbiferous plants. It stores food in underground tunnels, and because it does not hibernate, it must make food reserves. Females usually give birth to 2 to 4 youngsters.

In the Galichica National Park, it lives in natural and semi-natural grassland ecosystems, as well as on arable land.

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