AnimalsFlora and FaunaInvertebratesTerrestrial

Parnassius apollo – Apollo butterfly

The Apollo butterfly is a daily butterfly (Lepidoptera) and belongs to the family Papilionidae. The family Parnassius is recognizable by the whitish wings with red eye- catching dots in the middle and is widespread in Europe, North America, and less commonly in Asia. 

Larvae of this species feed on leaves of plants of the genus Sedum and Sempervivum that grow on a sterile rock surface. Vital for the survival of this species is the presence of mountain flower meadows, where the adults are fed. In Macedonia, the Apollo butterfly is present only in the high-mountain belt of the carbonate mountains, but not in the silicate mountain ranges. 

The Galichica National Park is present above the upper forest boundary of beech forests and high mountain meadows and pastures higher than 2000 meters above sea level.

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