AnimalsFlora and FaunaInvertebratesTerrestrial

Zerynthia polyxena – Southern Festoon

The southern festoon is a daily butterfly (Lepidoptera), which belongs to the family Papilionidae.

The species is widespread in dry and warm areas with shrubby vegetation, flower meadows and pastures, up to 1000 to 1500 meters above sea level.

The eggs are laid on the ventral side of the leaves of the plant Aristolochia sp., which is also the food for the larvae. The larvae are brown with dotted black lines and red lateral tubercles.

The southern festoon flies with frequent flower-to-flower breaks collecting nectar, while in the evening they hide in the bushes. In the Galichica National Park, they could be seen on grasslands up to 1000 meters above sea level.

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