AnimalsFlora and FaunaMammalsVertebrates

Talpa stankovici – Balkan mole

The Balkan mole is a mammal species of the family Talpidae. It is a Balkan endemic species whose range of distribution is mainly confined to Western Macedonia, and partly extends to North-western Greece, Northeast Albania and only marginally in Montenegro. 

It has strong developed front legs with strong claws that dig tunnels beneath the ground from 30 to 50 meters long. Their body is cylindrical up to 20 cm long, with a black fur coat, their eyes are small and undeveloped, and ears not visible. They feed on small invertebrates that live underground. The mole has an important role in the pedogenesis of the soil by spreading the humus layer. 

In the Galichica National Park, it is distributed in natural and semi-natural grassland ecosystems as well as on arable land, with a life span of 3 to 6 years.

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