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Chub (Squalius cephalus)

Chub (Squalius cephalus) – freshwater fish from the carp family.

Chub is a fish that lives in medium-sized rivers, in clear and transparent water, in lower parts of fast streams, in deep whirlpools and in areas with hard rock bottom. It belongs to a variety of carp species, inhabits almost the entire European continent except the Scandinavian region, and is also a remarkable species in the Baltic Sea. Within the Galichica National Park, it is located in the waters of St. Naum.

The chub has a long and strong body 50 cm long, with a large head, a pronounced broad forehead and a large mouth that sucks up food. It is covered with large scales. His body colour shifts from dark green through grey to completely black, his tail is silver, his abdomen glowing white, with orange to reddish fins. In older specimens the abdomen occasionally gets orange. It weighs up to 2 kg.

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