AmphibiansAnimalsFlora and FaunaVertebrates

Bufo bufo (Bufo bufo spinosus) – Common toad

The distribution range of the “spinosus” subspecies is restricted to the Mediterranean region (Gasc et al., 1997). In terms of habitat types and vertical distribution, this toad is one of the most characteristic ubiquists of European amphibians. Most often the species is found within the forest belt. It is a mainly active at night and hides during the day, usually in a separate shelter. Migrations to puddles for mating always begin in the fall, but final trips are made in the spring (March to May), when many of these toads can be seen moving overnight. The newly metamorphosed young frogs are very small (from 7- 12 mm) and in the first months are only active by day. In the NPG, the species is found in oak and beech forests up to 1,500 m.

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