AnimalsFlora and FaunaMammalsVertebrates

Vulpes vulpes – Red fox

The fox is a mammal species from the Canidae family. The fox is 40 to 50 cm high, and about 110 cm long, while the tail is only about 40 cm. It usually weighs from 8 to 10 kg. They can live up to 15 years, but on average, their lifespan is about 12 years.

The territory that covers the fox is usually about 4 square kilometres and it lives in pits that are mainly concentrated on the edge of the forest. The foxes live mostly alone; only during mating males and females get closer. The fox carries the baby from 50 to 56 days. At birth, the baby weighs about 80 grams on average, and has white hair on top of the tail and chest.

In the Galichica National Park, the species live in natural and semi-natural grassland ecosystems, rocky habitats as well as in oak and beech forests.

The species is protected by the Convention on the International Trade of Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES, 1973).

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