AmphibiansAnimalsFlora and FaunaVertebrates

Triturus macedonicus – Macedonian crested newt

The species is a Southwestern Balkan endemic, with a typical location within the NPG (along the shores of the Ohrid Lake). It is closely related to all types of aquatic biotopes during the mating season. After that, it leaves the aquatic environment but never goes too far (Arnold, 2002). Within the NPG, the life cycle of the Macedonian crested newt is quite different. Specifically, it does not leave aquatic biotopes that do not dry out during the summer (puddles and marches). The explanation for this behaviour is related to the structure of the basement rocks (limestone), which results with lack of suitable wetlands. The native range of the species is confined to the territory of the NPG, with a disjunctive distribution of subpopulations, concentrated in temperate puddles and ponds, from lake shores up to 1,600 m.

The species is Balkan endemic, protected in accordance with the Habitats Directive 92/43 / EEC – Annex II: Animal and Plant Species of Community Interest Requiring Designation of Special Areas of Conservation, Annex IV: Animal and Plant Species of Community Interest in Need of Strict Protection.

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